Fillmore County withdraws from DFO community corrections partnership

(ABC 6 News) – The Fillmore County Board of Commissioners approved a recommendation by Fillmore County Administration to withdraw Fillmore County from the Joint Powers Agreement for Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted (DFO) Community Corrections.
DFO Community Corrections provides victim services as well as corrections supervision and services to adults and juveniles in Dodge, Fillmore, and Olmsted counties.
According to Fillmore County Administration, the Fillmore County Board of Commissioners has been discussing the withdrawal for several years, citing budget increases to DFO Community Corrections and the ability to provide community corrections services without the Joint Powers Agreement.
Olmsted County first learned of Fillmore County’s desire to leave the Joint Powers Agreement on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.
"The premise of the Minnesota Community Corrections Act was to ‘promote efficiency and economy in the delivery of correctional services’ at a local level," said Olmsted County Deputy Administrator Travis Gransee. "Fillmore County has chosen to pursue more local control of its services and Olmsted County supports this decision."
Any of the three counties can opt to withdraw from DFO Community Corrections if it notifies the other two counties by June 1 of each year. A withdrawal would become effective on January 1 of the county fiscal year following state approval. A withdrawing party is obligated to continue making financial contributions and to allow employees of the Community Corrections department to continue providing services until the date the withdrawal becomes effective.
Olmsted County has six DFO employees staffed in Fillmore County. Director of DFO Community Corrections Nikki Niles said these employees will maintain employment with Olmsted County.
The change to the Joint Powers Agreement will not impact services provided to Dodge or Olmsted Counties.
Olmsted County has had a community corrections partnership with Fillmore County since 1974.