Byron native lassos his way onto “Yellowstone”
(ABC 6 News) – If you’re a fan of the show “Yellowstone,” you might notice a familiar face. No, not Kevin Costner, but Jeremy Richardson of Byron.
Richardson said in high school it was all about football and no theater was involved. Making his role an acting first.
Working on a Montana ranch last year when he was out to eat, he ended up talking to a casting director. He was cast as an extra on the show and now plays a Bar M cowboy. If it wasn’t for his grandpa, this might not have happened.
“My grandpa helped on some farms around Byron,” said Richardson.
“I remember as a young boy, I would go out there and help grandpa out on the tractor, and the farm and stuff. I actually do ride bulls. So I rodeo myself out in Montana. I grew up wanting to be a cowboy and now I kind of just took full advantage of that opportunity.”
If you're a fan of the show "Yellowstone," you might notice a familiar face. Not Kevin Costner, but Jeremy Richardson of Byron.
Working with actors like Kevin Costner and Kelly Reilly, he said every day is a learning opportunity. As for the biggest takeaway so far, he said it’s all about having fun.
“Just be yourself and have fun with it. I think “fun” was the biggest adjective that came away with being on set whether it was don’t take it too serious, be kind of laidback with it, and be yourself. And it was a lot of fun.”
Richardson said he would like to continue acting. He could not confirm if there will be a 6th season of the show.