Heat safety for those stuck outside; how construction workers battle temps

(ABC 6 News) – Temperatures are hitting its highest point of the entire summer and many construction crews working outside face greater risks when working in the heat.

The summer sun is beating down on southeast Minnesota and northern Iowa sending the thermometer spiking.

While some people spend a hot day at the pool, others are braving the elements.

“We keep going as long as its not raining we keep going,” said Joe Kaase, a carpenter with 1382 Construction. “We’re trying to beat the heat, Everybody is drinking a lot of water. It’s hot out but its better than 20 below.”

For ten hour shifts, construction workers keep working to get the job done.

“It’s definitely way too hot but we’ll take it I guess, it’s not gonna last for ever,” said Jack Meyer, a laborer with Icon Construction.

Even when temperatures surpass 100 degrees workers like Kaase and Meyer are ready for anything.

“Look ahead and plan for it I guess. Just prepare to bring a lot of water and get ready cause it is coming,” said Meyer.

They say it is just like any other day, only with a bit more sweating.

“A lot more work get’s done when it’s 70 degrees and when it is hot like this, it definitely takes a toll on guys that’s for sure,” said Kaase. “We just slow it down a little bit after dinner and go at a pace that works for us.”

Kaase and Meyer say it is important to stay hydrated and always listen to your body when outside in extreme heat.