Rochester teen becomes a published author
(ABC 6 News)- Ivy Sklenicka, 16, held a book signing at Chaotic Good Brewing Company on Friday for her short story.
It’s titled “A Call From Below”, a sci-fi horror about a young woman who discovered that the company her and her family have been working for is not quite what it seems.
“So I would think of something and write it down and hate it later and I would rewrite it. So I ended up doing a little bit more planning than I thought I would but it was honestly just like…as soon as i started writing the ideas flowed really quickly and it just comes really naturally to me,” said Sklenicka.
Her story will be a part of an anthology titled “Otherworldly- Volume 1” put together by Jeri Shepherd and published by Nerd Street.
Since the launch of her story Sklenicka has received a publishing deal for her first novel.