Spotty storm chances hang around, but not a washout

The main messages I want to start off with regarding the storm chances over the next few days is that we are not expecting any severe weather at this time, and also not everyone is going to see rain or rain that lasts very long anyways. In short, nothing crazy, and certainly not a washout.

An area of low pressure will be passing us by to the south over the next 24-48 hrs. While not directly passing over us, this low should provide enough lift to fire off isolated showers and t-storms across the area as soon as later this evening through Saturday.

There will be plenty of dry time on Saturday, but there will likely be a bit of cloud cover, especially during the first half of the day and into the early afternoon. Thinking we see some clearing by mid to late afternoon, and enough instability may build to kick off an isolated shower or t-storm. Chances remain on the lower end, however.

Sunday is a rinse and repeat as far as storm chances go. There will be a slim chance of storms heading into the afternoon, especially if we see more sunshine and enough instability can build. Chances of precipitation are a little higher on Sunday, but still on the lower end.

Monday and Tuesday seem to be the best chance for more widespread shower and t-storm activity. A somewhat more pronounced ripple in the jet stream should provide enough lift in our atmosphere combined with plenty of moisture and instability for a few t-storms to develop during each afternoon. No severe weather is anticipated at this time.

Storm chances are expected to dwindle Wednesday and disappear by the end of next week at this point in time. There will be plenty of dry time even early next week, however, and I would not cancel any outdoor plans this weekend or early next week.